Saturday, December 27, 2008
holiday aftermath/new character

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
inflatable holiday crap

Saturday, December 13, 2008
Durdorf's Folly

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
For the dreamer on your shopping list

Saturday, December 6, 2008
making funny voices
Anyway -- this is a doodle done in a staff meeting. If it had a title, the title would be "Wildnerness Woman". Speaking of work -- I've begun a litle 'side career' at the company I'm employed at. Normally I just sit in my cubicle and either draw or write...but, very recently, I've been sidetracked a little with trips to a recording studio where I've provided funny voices for various forms of media that I probably can't talk about now. I'll provide details later. So far I've voiced a fish, a toilet, Satan, an angry dad, a vampire and a horny puppet. Every time you see something animated, there is an actual human being somewhere speaking into a microphone - giving a voice to the character. Anybody can do this kind of work. Want to be a voice-over talent? Let me give you a few tips and pointers:
1. RECORDING STUDIOS ARE VERY SMALL AND INTIMATE...And often there is an audience watching you. If you can't make with the funny voice in front of six or seven people, then you can't do this. It's somewhat like improv night at a comedy club--only not as fun because there's no booze.
2. DON'T BE SMELLY...Because of the close quarters and enclosed space, your bod better be freshly-showered and your breath better be unoffensive. Bring gum and/or mints. Once you have that covered, you can worry about other things.
3. YOU'LL SWEAT ALOT!...The lights and the pressure to perform will likely soak your clothes to the dripping point. Did I mention the tight, enclosed space?
4. YOU WILL BE THERE LONGER THAN YOU THINK YOU WILL....A good audio engineer will want several takes of your 'performance'. You want to get it right so you don't have to go through this again. Yes. You'll read the lines over and over again until you're told "We got it. Thanks."

Friday, December 5, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
She's a Beauty

Thursday, November 27, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
a little twisted

Saturday, November 8, 2008
old sketchbooks

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
some stuff

Thursday, October 30, 2008
voting early

Kansas is a pretty horrible state to live in, but at least we have the option of "early voting" here. It's a pretty attractive option if you're all stressed about long lines on election day (which I was). I worked at home today just I could go cast my vote before next Tuesday -- and I took The Lump with me because he'd finally registered.
I'd heard that early voting was attracting huge crowds, but I had no idea how huge! I'm not sure which political party is turning out in a greater number. Maybe it's the Democrats who are excited about a new candidate promising change...or maybe it's the McCain supporters who are determined to see their guy pull off an upset despite an electoral map that says he is doomed. I honestly couldn't tell by looking at the hundred or so people in line.
The line was intimidating, but it moved quickly and the people-watching was fun. I felt sorry for the really old people who were obviously not used to standing so long and the women with toddlers who could not keep them from wandering off toward those enticing mall fountains.
Here's a heads-up for people who've never voted before: You CANNOT wear shirts, caps, pins or anything else with a candidates name, picture or logo on them. The woman in front of me had to take off her Obama sweatshirt before entering the balloting room. We were not asked for I.D., but that varies from state to state. Be nice to the poll volunteers -- they are mostly retired people who are doing this for free.
It took a little over an hour to complete the process, but the line was much longer as we left. Just make a commitment to do whatever it takes -- however long it takes -- to cast your vote. This election is too important to sit out!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
"content warning"

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008
I don't get it....
Is it really worth the hassle of keeping one anymore?