I'm still not sure what I'm doing in this new journal space, but at least Google no longer considers me a "spam blog". That's something positive.
The doodle I'm including here is one I started while waiting in a hospital waiting room and then finished up while watching "True Blood" on HBO (awesome show!). On top of all the cruddy luck I've had lately, my blood pressure has gotten a little out of control. I deal with it all by not dealing with it. I sleep, work, eat, write, stare into space and sometimes doodle in the notepad I always carry. I can't tell you what it is or what it symbolizes. It could be an experimental art installation called "Avoidance".
I can't get my head round this, I have done 'follow this blog, but I ain't come up as a mate yet..... I also haven't got a clue how to get alerts for blogs either........ Oh well, I have to pop in and out.
Gaz xx
Hmmm, sorry, I should have asked after you, instead of waffling on about this nw home of ours in cyber space. I hope your'e gonna get it sorted mate, but I've been known to avoid a few things like that meself.
Oh, I understand avoidance, too. Now we have to learn something new, and it'll take time for it to seem as easy as the other journal formats.
Hang in there, don't be such a guy, if you can't read the map, ask for directions! hehe
Sorry, not enough coffee, yet!
:) Leigh
The drawing? Different! :)
I avoid all I can when I can :( I empathize...
I am SOOOOOO glad to see you hon!! I've missed you. My blog link is below. Love ya** Teresa
De-lovely doodle, Avoidance. I think it needs a friend. It looks nice here. The more you play here the easier it gets. Stay well, it's it pear season? Love, Dannelle
Hoy, mate! Is that a "spam mobile"?
I am definitely from the Scarlett O'Hare group of avoidance...
"I'll think about it tomorrow." Hope you get things sorted out.
It gets easier... really! I've been over here for a while with a mirror blog of my AOL Journal in case they pulled the plug... and they did. Sigh! Anyway, if I can help you out, let me know. BTW, the dashboard is where you go to do everything with your blog, check out the blogs you are following, and see if there are any alerts from Blogger. Hang in there... I was so glad to see that you had made the move, I would really miss you if you hadn't!!
I'm so glad you made it over.... as for the picture when I first saw it all I could think about was some fancy bong. LOL I'll leave it at that.
love ya
Wow...if that drawing is avoidance, you are really, really good at avoiding. Quite intricate!
Hang in...and please DO something about the BP.
I am so happy to see you here, you'll get the hang of things I'm sure. Sorry to hear about your BP ~ I hope you get that squared away and under control soon.
Love the doodle!
I think a lot of us are also using Google Reader. It lists all the blogs you follow (or have subscribed to the feed) and shows when they've been updated. I find it pretty easy to go in and read everything at once.
You'll get the hang of it--once you get used to it, it's actually pretty cool.
Can't say I totally like the new format--but there it is.
I think it kinda looks like some sort of space pod--a place for aliens away from home.
Avoidance may be the key to a good life--or it could be our downfall!
love the drawing.
glad to see you are posting.
Glad to see you are up and running on a new blog, Russ. Will add this to my google reader (which beats the hell out of alerts, try it out).
I'm so glad you started a new blog. I've missed your drawings! I saw a commercial the other day that made me think of you. They had a pear dressed like a pirate! A PEAR!! They stole your idea!!
Hope you're doing ok.
Love you, Pam xoxox
This is your pep talk. Whatever else you do or you don't do, you DO NOT avoid dealing with your blood pressure. See your doc, take your meds, do the drill.
Welcome to un-J-Land.
I have you on my bloglines feed-reader, just like I did your old journal. I hated AOL alerts cluttering my mailbox and only used them for private journals.
I hate it you aren't moving your old journal. After all, I was your first commenter in there! You can now find my drivel at
I love True Blood too, but I wish they would get a real southern gal in there to teach Anna P. how to talk southern! She does fairly well, but I could surely teach her a thing or two!
love the doodle...looks like the critters I just saw on
Men In Black...lol
Welcome aboard
I hope you get the bp taken care of... Talk to Dan and add feed blitz to your side bar. It will let people get email alerts and since your blog has the adult warning it won't show up on people's dashboard.
be well...
Hey hun. My new homes are http://mydayandthoughts.blogspot.com and http://celeste-cslife.blogspot.com
Please don't ignore your blood pressure problem.
Take care of yourself, please, please, please. We'd miss you.
Lots of hugs,
LOL! Why is Blogger not your friend?? I was going to answer your comment with an e-mail but wasn't sure if you kept your AOL e-mail address or not... so here I am. Is blogger doing something that I can help you with??
I've missed you tons hon. As everyone else is echoing...Take care of you. There is only one original Russ. The one and only Toon Guy in my book. I'll email where my follow me section is to you..to help make it easier k. (Hugs)Indigo
I'm back, if you post your email in your profile (It's no different that your screenname being the same in AOL) it will make it easy for people to respond to comments.
As for the follower section of my blog, it's in the sidebar located below the video player and before the domestic violence hotline...under "The Curious". Hope this helps hon. (Hugs)Indigo
Hi Russ,
I'm finally here at blogger world..and following everyone :-)
glad to find you...really.
Gem :)
given where my own head has been lately, i can't decide if it's like a spider web...or akin to the tacky christmas lights being strung at walmart (dude, i miss your tacky pix from the art assignment you shared).
I really like this "doodle! The intricacy reminds me of a delicate spiderweb. I'm so glad you decided to continue blogging. Yoir entires usually make me smile and always make me think...
Google Reader has helped me follow most of our AOL Friends.
Hugs, Rose
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