I've been hearing that most of my old J-land pals aren't getting alerts for this new blog because of the "content warning " deal. SIGH
"Across the Universe"
I can't hardly keep up with new bands and new songs anymore -- so I really had no interest in seeing a movie musical that featured young actors singing a bunch of musty old Beatles' songs. BUT. But, somehow, I caught this movie on cable and was really enchanted with it. I lost some interest when Bono showed up as a drugged-up messiah, but generally loved the film. I recommend it if you have the STARZ channels or a Netflix account. It's sort of intersting how so many of the classic Beatles songs sound better and more natural when sung by women. Hmmm.
My old widowed father continues to be in good spirits. He keeps busy making peppernuts (a spicy, hard little cookie enjoyed here in the midwest) at the local senior center, and taking care of unexpected litters of October kittens. When I mentioned how odd it is for cats to give birth this late in the year, he said "None of them have any sense".
the election
A good place to check polls and projections is 538. I pretty much can't wait until this all over. GOBAMA!!!!
Ummm....tap tap tap. is this thing on? I feel I must stand up and admit my idiocy. I didn't see your blog on my site because I'm an idiot. I thought, if I was "following" you, you would show up automatically. Wrong-O. Duh. I have you added now, so you show up.
Now, I don't see when you update, but it's nothing to click on your link and check. I think it has more to do with being private than with the warning. I don't see Pam's updates, either, and she's private. I check you both, however, and I love ya.
Bloglines alerts me when you have a new entry. I see no need for the content warning, though. I read some Kansas City blogs that have lots rougher content than I've ever seen you use.
I have you on my Blogline account, so I didn't notice you not showing up on my 'dashboard'. I usually click the follow thing so people know I read, but then I pop them into bloglines. I have at least one other blog I read with the content warning, and Bloglines picks up both of your feeds just fine ;p
If you do remove the content warning, let your readers know that they have to unfollow you and then re follow to get the feed to work on their dashboard... Kind of like when people would go private on AOL then go back public. You would have to turn off the alert and turn it back on. Again Bloglines never registered a problem. Different platform.. same problems LOL!
I really liked Across the Universe. I had seen it on DVD a little while back, but hadn't heard much about it, so didn't pick it up. When I saw it was on Starz I figured I would check it out. I loved Rent and I thought i might enjoy this. G. on the other hand decided to watch some kind of sports event (baseball maybe) in the other room. However he came out while I was watching and sat down for a couple of minutes and ended up watching the whole second half. He wants to catch the whole thing now LOL!
i have been looking for you! i love the pear cartoons!!!!!!
i thought about adding the 'objectionable content' thingy, but then i decided that since i am basically using words they say on network tw, or words that get bleeped out on jerry springer, but we all know what they are saying anyways...that i would leave the new rant without a warning.
xxalainaxx, formerly of 'a single girl rants about life in general, now at ' the miss alaineus alemanac'
ps. if you made someone mad at least you challenged their foundation!
ha ha, the comment controller said shistrit!
Well, with cats, as with people, "horny" trumps "sense" every time.
I'm glad your dad's doing well!
Looks like The Pear recovered from the move. Where is Olive hiding these days?
Natalie wants you to "follow" her blog. I made no promises.
Nope, don't get any alerts for your journal. I don't even see it on my google reader. Odd. I'll have to look into that one.
I re-added you to my google reader and it is working fine now. I need to check it more often. Sorry.
Voted last week. Waited in line for 2 hours!
LOL...love pear dude : )
And...it doesn't matter if you live in a red state when it is a blue country : )
LOL, Pear is making quite a statement!!!
It is late for kitten, glad your dad is doing well. Never heard of peppernuts.
yup, tis the adult content filter. but i will add ya to my feed alerts, or feed blitz, or some damn thing when i finally get my head outta my ass for longer than halfa minute. grins, debra
I have to figure out how to use bloglines to get alerts for your blog and another one or two.
That's the difficult part for me. These new-fangled techno things.
I am, if nothing else, a technoramous ....
So I just keep clicking on the yellow pear in my followers box to find you!
Nope, I'm not getting your alerts either. At least I can click on your pear picture and see if you have something new.. Well, this comment is late. My daughter loves Across the Universe. I have yet to see it-I want to see Bono--I love him. I'm so glad your dad is doing well! :) Take care! Julie
i havent been getting the updates neither i have to click your picture for it.
Yeah, it also doesn't show up on Google Reader either. You can pretty much get rid of the content warning, the folks here are NOTHING like the AOL censors. You won't get booted or have entries deleted. I wrote a post trying to use the work fuck as many times possible and not even a blip, and I had no content warning.
Yeah, it also doesn't show up on Google Reader either. You can pretty much get rid of the content warning, the folks here are NOTHING like the AOL censors. You won't get booted or have entries deleted. I wrote a post trying to use the work fuck as many times possible and not even a blip, and I had no content warning.
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