Friday, February 5, 2010

alien reader

There's probably a name for people who have a fear of books, but I don't know what it is. I just know I suffer from it to a degree. I'm always afraid I'll open a book and not understand a single word. I'm afraid of being lost and feeling stupid. I wish I knew where this fear came from. Maybe it's from some homework/school trauma I've blocked out. I grew up never reading books for pleasure because I didn't want to feel like a dumb little alien in a world of big words I couldn't understand. I stuck mostly to Mad magazine and cartoon anthologies. Horror fiction of the 70's and 80's helped me make friends with books again because I still loved a good scare and wasn't allowed to watch scary movies. Jay Anson's The Amityville Horror and all of Stephen King's early work helped me realize I wasn't stupid or illiterate after all. Still -- the fear has never completely left me.
I dread starting new books even though I know there's a good chance I'll love them once I get into them. Perhaps this is another reason I'm an avid re-reader. There are a handful of novels I've reread twenty times and Just in Case is one of them. I picked it up from a discount rack at Walden's and bought it mainly because it has a greyhound on the cover and because of the blurb describing it as a 'modern day Catcher in the Rye'. It's a beautiful, weird and genius piece of fiction that I can't recommend highly enough. You can probably find it pretty cheap online. Please try and get your very own copy and then never let it go.


Sage Ravenwood said...

Wrote it down to check it out. I've always been a voracious reader. I think that has more to do with growing up in a home where big words weren't allowed. Could be why I love to write. (Hugs)Indigo

Debra said...

bibliophobic, you. bibliophile, me. bibliotek, library. bibliotech, library geek o'software.

thus concludes our lesson for the day, grins, debra

{ps. king rules!}

Chris said...

Have you ever read "Geek Love" ? Awesome, check it out.

I need to dig my copy up and re-read it. Very twisted.

Chef E said...

Okay, I came way down to say one more thing, Duh, I follow you man, not sure how I found your site though...

I must have been over whelmed with laughter from the cute drawings...

I remember reading this post, and meant to say something...I know what you mean about not understanding what you might read, but I try any way. My father read, like his father, but our mothers did not. Now I write poetry, flash fiction, and read as much as I can.

almost 50 but not quite said...

Just ordered it from the library. Let me know when you're ready for "Extremely Loud."

Big Mark 243 said...

I am going to put this and the not quite 50 cat's 'Extremely Loud' as well.