When I'm working on a project and I'm stuck for ideas, I'll sometimes just doodle a bunch of faces and hope one of them "speaks" to me or starts telling story in my brain. I usually have to go through four or five pages worth of characters before any ideas get sparked.
This is a page of non-talkers.
And I'll bet they've all met. Or met someone who met one of them, or....
well, I'm thinking a John Guare play. ~Mary
Wow - that's a pretty amazing process! I'm afraid I would draw them all with tape over their mouths after a crazy day at my office.
Just as well, I don't like the looks of any of em. :-)
I see one other thing they have in common. I think they all have their hair cut at the beauty school.
No no no....I didn't say I needed mutes. I said I needed to find my MUSE.
Ooh, I am showing this to my son!!!!
Funny how this works, but I take a drive, I saw a pregnant tree near the hospital when I went in for pneumonia...I also read, a few lines of others work and !POW! it comes to me...I never ever finish a book in one sitting!
I think I saw several of them today while I was riding the bus...
Perhaps if you drew one with a smile :o)
quite frankly, i think the world needs more non-talkers
or less talkers, or . . . you get the idea. too many stupid people talk, and too many stupider people listen.
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