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Sometimes I like to play around with typography. I made this over the weekend when I started making a list of songs that were once really important to me for whatever reason. They're supposed to be in some sort of chronological order, but I may have messed that up in places.
Damn.It. I can feel Mr. Roboto hooking me in. I will be humming that wayyy too long today. ~Mary
*loud giggling*
My dear I think you just designed a billboard for my next play!
cool!! lol
seeing that was like spinning the radio dial, grins, debra
I feel like you peeked into my yellow zipped cd case . . . love it!
feel like you pressed random on my ipod and printed up my song list... awesome memories, dude, from a gen xr
I have posted about the Ting Tings both in my blog and on Facebook… Love FOW and Stacy’s Mom… but ‘Radiation Vibe’ and ‘Utopia Parkway’ always come to mind whenever I hear a song by them… Is ‘Seether’ the song by Veruca Salt?? If it is, then you are the only other person who has ever mentioned them in my life … I do recall you mentioning ‘Creep’ by Radiohead before… Buddy Holly is a song I listened to well past its popular expiry date… and Teen Spirit is a song I put up on my Facebook before I came out here… Mentioning ‘Another Brick…’ by Pink Floyd sounds redundant… who DOESN’T like that song…
I better stop… could go on and on, of course…
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