Annnnnd ... this is the end of "copyright infringement fridays". I end up dreading it every week and so I just decided to do something else. I don't know if I'll put something new in its place or just continue with the randomness that is every other day's entry here. Fridays are so great they almost need to be special somehow. Any ideas?
I agree you should change the program if you're dreading infringement Friday. I'll be thinking on this . . .
I think randomness rocks! Happy Friday :-)
What ever you decide I'll like it. Have a nice week-end.
Gosh that is better than my memory!
H R Puff N Stuff Characters?
Land of the Lost
Oh gosh my childhood Saturday morning cartoons are creeping in! We just saw something that was done by the guys Marty and Sid Croft- who I think are 100 years old, and they are still doing work!
Oh I know it was the Will Farrel 'Land of the Lost' silly remake!
fridays are special, cuz they are fridays. i think that if you assign some particular theme, then you might end up feeling pressure to produce something within that theme, an assignment~~and then end up dreading posting that day. so maybe you just need to let yourself have some leeway, and let fridays be just another day in the russ's rocking randomness. just saying. love to ya, debra
How about Republican Fridays?
I'm kidding.
I swear. ~Mary oxoxo
I'll miss copyright infringement fridays but I totally get the reason. Been there.
How about Freaky Friday?
think you should bring back the pear character on a regular basis; he had some funny moments
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