I've been collecting strange screen names for years. Sometimes I scribble them down and turn them into little sketches. I was really intrigued when I first saw "icecreamforcrows" and the surreal images that brings to mind until I found out it's also the name of a Captain Beefheart song. Crap. I probably shouldn't have even mentioned that.
LOL - love weird screen names as well. Can I start sending them to you?
i used either aaron burr or patrick henry as a fake screen name to print illicit underage facebook accounts for 5th and 6th graders.
does that count?
I enjoy reading the screen names as much I do playing the word games on Club Pogo. One good lookin' ice cream cone you got there. The crow ain't bad either.
i love ice cream.
i love ice cream on a cone.
i love ice cream on a cone with a crow.
grins, debra
I never fail to learn something new!
What bothers me is going through blogs and you find so many deserted after years, and you wonder what happened to them...interesting names too!
Everyone knows that crows don't like ice cream. Now ravens and pancakes? That's a different story;)
I looked up the Cpt Beefheart lyrics. Now I am just dizzy. I like your drawing, though. I could see an ice cream shop with that name and your pic on the sign.
I'd never heard of Capt. Beefheart!
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