To avoid more confusion, I'll try and explain this one. It's like 'C' as in 'sea' in 'sea'horses/'C'horses.... Make sense yet? So a C minus horse would be a slightly dumber sea(C)horse. I thought briefly about calling it 'medicated seahorses' or 'stoned seahorses'. Dammit. I knew this was weak when I posted it, but I didn't have anything else ready to go.
Toon, I like them, but do not get the C - part ? When you explain I may have a duh moment, so be kind :)
I get and love it . . . but as usual, I'm in love with the categorization. lmao!!
Well, they do look stoned to me, LOL!
Dude. I went to school with them!
too bad you felt you had to explain it! it was perfect without the written update. you the man, russ, you the man. grins, debra
C minus horses....hilarious!
It's still funny (and the "no child left behind tag is even funnier!).
Another great idea from a creative mind... gee, the places you could go with (C-)horses..!
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