I found gaping void by chance a few months ago and immmediately subscribed to this guy's point of view. He's a cartoonist/graphic designer working in advertising who made a name for himself drawing on the backs of business cards. He has great ideas about creativity and business, and just generally seems like a very smart guy.
I loved the quote about being lucky because I often forget how fortunate I am sometimes. Look at what you do and what you are -- you are the luckiest person alive!
Love it! The older I get, the more I realize this.
Yes we do tend to forget how lucky we are.
My enthusiasm seems to go in cycles, I am mid-cycle right now.
I feel lucky- and I said that when Clint Eastwood pointed his 45 in my face too- oh sorry that was corny!
I miss your stuff, now I have to catch up!
Ooh, you can read his book (Ignore Everybody) on Google books!
and the hokie~pokie is really what it's all about.
I never realized you had Norman Vincent Peale leanings ;0. Once I get over the grip of my past & the uncivilized, wild depths of my mind ...I will be the luckiest person alive. Stay tuned.~Mary
Doesn't he mean, "luckiest PEARson alive" ?
Wow, Toon. That's the most optimistic thing I've ever seen from you!
the was a good 15 year stretch where I really felt that way... begin to peter out when I was with Mookie Dee and it hasn't picked back up yet...
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