I can't be the only one who remembers "Boo Berry" cereal, can I? It was briefly part of the cereal monster family that included Frankenberry and my personal favorite -- Count Chocula. I don't remember what it tasted like, but I remember the commercials where the little blue ghost talked like Bing Crosby. No lie.
i think it was supposed to taste like blue berries....
i remember them too...
LOL - remember the name, but not the commercial. One can never get enough blue foods, eh?
I hated that cereal, and part of it was the creepiness...
They have the Frankenberry at Halloween time at my grocery store..I'm tempted to buy it to see if it tastes as bad as I remember
i love booberry and fruity yummy mummy. i've been known to sort out the marshmallows and put the cereal bits back in the box.
i love booberry and fruity yummy mummy. i've been known to sort out the marshmallows and put the cereal bits back in the box.
i'd see it on the shelves, but we were a corn~flake, granola, raisin bran family...that is, when we did have cereal. oh! and honey~nut~cheerios came out right at the end of my childhood, so if we had the extra bucks, mom would let us get that! grins, debra
I always thought of him as kind of like Scrappy Doo. There was always Frankenberry and Count Chocula and then this dude shows up.
Word verification: duckinar - noun: a convention or conference held to educate attendees on the current trends in water fowlery.
marshmallow ghosts, right? I have always hated cereal, but my mom did buy it for my siblings.
It wasn't good--I didn't like Frankenberry, either--but I loved Count Chocula. I tried a bite of some kid's a few years ago, though, and it was gross, too! How the palate can change!
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