I had one I hung out at their house and sat for their two small kids when I was fourteen- they were early 30'ish hippies, smoked pot, feed me, and hubby always said I had great boobs- but no bad things happened. No wonder I hung out over there all the time, lol
The other side of our house neighbors, same thing, but instead of smoking they drank- hmmm, my influences were not so good, but I did go in the opposite direction, outside of cooking and I love kids :)
Oh dear, babysitters like these were the reason I rarely used them when my kids were growing up.
My brother, sister and I used to go to a sitter for lunches because our grade school didn't have a cafeteria. She was a round woman, with a mustache and she smelled liked onions. Apparently she couldn't cook either because she made the same thing EVERY DAY - macaroni and cheese from a box with water instead of milk. We called it Dacadoodle and ate it anyway. The other sitters were just as bad or worse.
The only baby sitter I remember was a teacher and my sister and I had to get upon a chair to get in her tall bed. Guess she stored her extra matresses on it.
oooooooooooooh, the baby~sitter's club {wink} grins, debra
I had one I hung out at their house and sat for their two small kids when I was fourteen- they were early 30'ish hippies, smoked pot, feed me, and hubby always said I had great boobs- but no bad things happened. No wonder I hung out over there all the time, lol
The other side of our house neighbors, same thing, but instead of smoking they drank- hmmm, my influences were not so good, but I did go in the opposite direction, outside of cooking and I love kids :)
Your story makes me so glad my parents never left me with babysitters. ~Mary ox
Oh dear, babysitters like these were the reason I rarely used them when my kids were growing up.
My brother, sister and I used to go to a sitter for lunches because our grade school didn't have a cafeteria. She was a round woman, with a mustache and she smelled liked onions. Apparently she couldn't cook either because she made the same thing EVERY DAY - macaroni and cheese from a box with water instead of milk. We called it Dacadoodle and ate it anyway. The other sitters were just as bad or worse.
I like autobiographical stuff.
Eek they all would scare the hell out of me XOXOXOXO Lisa, Thank you for your prayers for my friends :)
The only baby sitter I remember was a teacher and my sister and I had to get upon a chair to get in her tall bed. Guess she stored her extra matresses on it.
Never had any cool babysitters :o(
if you made a book of these, i'd be your first customer!
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